The stack

The stack is a special type of "table" which is located inside the SNES RAM. Imagine the stack as a stack of plates. You can only add (push) or remove (pull/pop) a plate from the top. You can visualize it as something like this:

|   |
|[ ]|
|[ ]|
|[ ]|
|[ ]|

The empty "boxes" in above example are basically the values inside the stack, and they can hold any value. The collection of boxes are closed off from all sides, except from the top.


"Pushing" is the act of adding a value on top of the stack. Here's an example:

  | push
|     |   |[$32]|
|[$B0]|   |[$B0]|
|[$A9]| > |[$A9]|
|[$82]|   |[$B2]|
|[$14]|   |[$14]|
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

As you can see, the value $32 is added on top of the stack. The stack now has five values instead of four.


"Pulling" (or "popping") is the act of reading a value from the top of the stack. Here's an example:

   ^ pull
|[$32]|   |     |
|[$B0]|   |[$B0]|
|[$A9]| > |[$A9]|
|[$82]|   |[$B2]|
|[$14]|   |[$14]|
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

As you can see, the value $32 is retrieved from the top of the stack.

Push A, X, Y

There are opcodes to push the current value inside the A, X or Y registers onto the stack:


Full name



Push A onto stack

Pushes the current value of A onto the stack


Push X onto stack

Pushes the current value of X onto the stack


Push Y onto stack

Pushes the current value of Y onto the stack

Pull A, X, Y

There are also opcodes to pull the current value from the stack into the A, X or Y registers:


Full name



Pull into A

Pulls a value from the stack into the A register


Pull into X

Pulls a value from the stack into the X register


Pull into Y

Pulls a value from the stack into the Y register


Imagine the following scenario: The X register has to stay at the value $19, no matter what, but you really have to use X for something else. How would one do that? You use PHX to preserve the value in X in the stack, before you use an instruction which modifies the contents of X:

                   ; Imagine X has the value $19 in the stack
PHX                ; Push X ($19) onto stack. Result: Stack 1st value = $19
LDX $91            ; Load the value in address $7E0091 into X
LDA $1000,x        ; \ X is now modified, and we use it to index RAM
STA $0100          ; /
PLX                ; Restore X. X is now $19 again

16-bit mode stack operations

All the previous explanations and behaviours apply to 16-bit stack operations as well. It's just that you're pushing and pulling 16-bit values, not 8-bit values.

This also means that if you push two 8-bit values onto the stack, you can pull a single 16-bit value later.

Other push and pull operations

There are also other push and pull commands, which are not affected by 8-bit or 16-bit mode A, X and Y:


Full name


Value size


Push data bank register

Pushes the data bank register's current value onto the stack



Pull data bank register

Pulls a value from the stack into the data bank register



Push direct page register

Pushes the direct page register's current value onto the stack



Pull direct page register

Pulls a value from the stack into the direct page register



Push processor flags

Pushes the processor flags register's current value onto the stack



Pull processor flags

Pulls a value from the stack into the processor flag register



Push program bank

Pushes the bank value of the currently executed opcode (which is PHK) onto the stack



Push effective address

Pushes the specified 16-bit value onto the stack. Don't let the name of the opcode mislead you. This doesn't read out any address



Push effective indirect address

Pushes the value at the given direct page address onto the stack. The direct page register can affect the given address


PER label

Push program counter relative

A rather complicated push. In short: it pushes the absolute address of the given label onto the stack. What happens during assembly is that the assembler calculates the relative distance between PER and the given label. This relative distance is a signed 16-bit value and is used as the parameter for PER. The opcode finally assembles into PER $XXXX. Because of its relative nature, the opcode can also be used in the SNES RAM


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